Article by Adam Mast
I’ve been attending Comic-Con International for 15 years. The big draw for me has always been the film-related events and Hall H is generally where I hang out because that’s usually where all the big movie presentations happen to take place.
There is no question that Hall H is where movie loving Comic-Con attendees will want to be on Saturday, July 11th. True, Friday will see the big THE FORCE AWAKENS presentation, but Saturday will see pretty much everything else. The day will begin with a 90 minute Warner Brothers presentation and while the studio has yet to announce which films they’ll be showcasing (it’s safe to say that BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE and SUICIDE SQUAD will be there), you can bet it’s going to be bad ass on an epic scale, because WB always does Comic-Con up right.
Speaking of bad ass on an epic scale, Quentin Tarantino will be making the trip to Comic-Con this year and he’ll be bringing footage from his upcoming holiday release, THE HATEFUL EIGHT with him. Expect select members of Tarantino’s all star cast to be on hand too. Kurt Russell and Bruce Dern in Hall H?!! Yes, please!
Also on tap for Hall H on Saturday, July 11th: Legendary Pictures will showcase CRIMSON PEAK, WARCRAFT, and the Christmas horror anthology, KRAMPUS, we’ll get a look at PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES, and Entertainment Weekly will hold a panel called “Women Who Kick Ass” with special guests Gal Gadot, Gwendoline Christie, Kathy Bates, and Hayley Atwell in tow.
Later on in the afternoon, Joss Whedon will swing by for a 45 minute Q & A. Whedon has always been a fan favorite and the man knows how to tell a story. Should be incredibly insightful and very entertaining.
Finally, 20th Century Fox will be on hand to blow the roof off the joint. As is the case with WB, Fox hasn’t revealed what they’ll be showcasing but with titles like X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, DEADPOOL, THE FANTASTIC FOUR, WOLVERINE 3, THE MARTIAN, and INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE on their slate, you can bet it’s going to be an unforgettable presentation.
Of course, these insanely cool Hall H presentations only scratch the surface. There are countless events going throughout the weekend during the Con.
The final day of programming will be revealed soon and when it is, we’ll be sure to post it here. In the meantime, for detailed programming information regarding Saturday, July 11th, CLICK HERE.