Cinebits“THE BREAKFAST CLUB” RETURNS TO THEATERS FOR 30TH ANNIVERSARY! “DID I STUTTER?” Article by Adam Mast When talking about great film-makers who made their mark during the 80’s,…
Cinebits“THE FORCE AWAKENS” MAY HAVE LANDED A FEW AWESOME CO-STARS!THE EMPIRE RAIDS BACK! Article by Adam Mast Holy crap! As if you needed yet another reason to be…
CinebitsCool NewsBIG “STAR TREK 3” NEWSTO BOLDY GO WHERE ORCI HASN’T GONE BEFORE! Article by Adam Mast Big news regarding STAR TREK 3. Despite lobbying…
CinebitsCool NewsMARVEL FINDS THEIR “DOCTOR STRANGE”THAT’S NOT SO “STRANGE” Article by Adam Mast After months of speculation, Marvel has officially found their DOCTOR STRANGE and it should…
CinebitsSTEPHEN KING’S IT IS COMING TO THE BIG SCREENHERE “IT” COMES! Article by Adam Mast IT is one of Stephen King’s most celebrated novels and while this epic, 1000…
CinebitsTrailersTERMINATOR: GENISYS trailerHE’S BACK Article by Adam Mast It’s hard to not root for a guy like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He’s such a…
CinebitsTrailersWHILE WE’RE YOUNG trailerHERE’S A LOOK AT NOAH BAUMBACH’S LATEST Article by Adam Mast Amanda Seyfried, Naomi Watts, Ben Stiller, and Adam Driver…
CinebitsCool NewsJAMES BOND RETURNSBOND, JAMES BOND. Article by Adam Mast Sony Pictures just held a big James Bond shindig at Pinewood Studios. During the…
CinebitsCool NewsSUICIDE SQUAD newsSource: Variety IT’S SUICIDE! Article by Adam Mast Comic books are big business in Hollywood right now, there’s no…
ReviewsLATE PHASES review LATE PHASES (R) Released by Dark Sky Films/Glass Eye Pix Review by Adam Mast Great werewolf films are all…