ReviewsSING Movie ReviewSING (PG) Released by Illumination Entertainment Reviewed by Adam Mast It’s been quite a stellar year for musicals. LA LA…
ReviewsTHE AUTOPSY OF JANE DOE Movie Review THE AUTOPSY OF JANE DOE (R) Released by IFC Films Review by Dan Bringhurst THE AUTOPSY OF JANE DOE, which…
ReviewsPASSENGERS Movie ReviewPASSENGERS (PG-13) Released by Sony Pictures Reviewed by Adam Mast PASSENGERS is a pretty movie starring pretty people, there’s no…
ReviewsASSASSIN’S CREED Movie ReviewASSASSIN’S CREED (PG-13) Released by 20th Century Fox Reviewed by Adam Mast Full disclosure: I’m not a gamer. Therefore, I…
ReviewsLA LA LAND Movie ReviewLA LA LAND (PG-13) Released by Lionsgate Reviewed by Adam Mast LA LA LAND is the real deal. It’s magical. It’s…
ReviewsTHE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN Movie ReviewTHE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN (R) Released by STX Entertainment Review by Adam Mast The great James L. Brooks (BROADCAST NEWS)…
ReviewsALLIED Movie ReviewALLIED (R) Released by Paramount Pictures Review by Adam Mast It’s CASABLANCA meets MR. AND MRS. SMITH in ALLIED, the…
ReviewsDisney’s MOANA Movie ReviewMOANA (PG) Released by Walt Disney Pictures Review by Adam Mast Walt Disney Pictures is back with a brand new…
ReviewsFANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Movie ReviewFANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM (PG-13) Released by Warner Brothers Pictures Review by Adam Mast The HARRY POTTER franchise…
ReviewsHACKSAW RIDGE Movie ReviewHACKSAW RIDGE (R) Released by Summit Entertainment/Lionsgate Review by Adam Mast If there’s one theme that’s most prevalent in the…