ReviewsOUIJA: ORIGIN OF EVIL Movie ReviewOUIJA: ORIGIN OF EVIL (PG-13) Released by Universal Pictures Review by Adam Mast OUIJA: ORIGIN OF EVIL is a prequel of…
Bluray/DVDReviewsRARE HORROR GEMS WITH JEFF SANDERS: “THE PACK”RARE HORROR GEMS WITH JEFF SANDERS! I wanted to recommend horror films this Halloween that you may not have seen.…
ReviewsFLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS Movie ReviewFLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS (PG-13) Released by Paramount Pictures/BBC Films Review by Dan Bringhurst FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS, starring Meryl Streep, Hugh…
Bluray/DVDReviewsRARE HORROR GEMS WITH JEFF SANDERS: “SOCIETY”RARE HORROR GEMS WITH JEFF SANDERS! I wanted to recommend horror films this Halloween that you may not have seen.…
ReviewsTHE ACCOUNTANT Movie ReviewTHE ACCOUNTANT (R) Released by Warner Brothers Pictures Review by Adam Mast Gavin O’Connor‘s THE ACCOUNTANT is overly complicated but for all…
Bluray/DVDReviewsRARE HORROR GEMS WITH JEFF SANDERS: “I SELL THE DEAD”RARE HORROR GEMS WITH JEFF SANDERS! I wanted to recommend horror films this Halloween that you may not have seen.…
ReviewsTHE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Movie ReviewTHE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (PG-13) Released by Sony Pictures Review By Adam Mast TRAINING DAY director Antoine Fuqua is back with a…
ReviewsHELL OR HIGH WATER Movie ReviewHELL OR HIGH WATER (R) Released By CBS Films Review By Adam Mast A punny friend of mine recently quipped that…
ReviewsSTORKS Movie ReviewSTORKS (PG) Released By Warner Bros Pictures Review By Adam Mast Where do babies come from? The latest animated feature,…
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