Article by Adam Mast
I wish I could take credit for that story header but I actually saw it on a message board. It really made me laugh, so I went with it. Truth be told though, even a bald Jesse Eisenberg has nothing on the creepy cool stylings of Michael Berryman (THE HILLS HAVE EYES).
BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is one year from release and a lot of fans have been wondering what Lex Luthor is going to look like in Zach Snyder’s clashing superhero epic. Well, thanks to this photo from Entertainment Weekly, now you know.
CinemaCon, an annual convention held for movie theater owners, is being held in Las Vegas next month, and we’re hoping that Warner Brothers will drop a little bit of footage from the movie, but for now, gaze upon a ruthless Eisenberg and his glistening scalp.