Article By Adam Mast
(Sources: 20th Century Fox and Youtube)
SPOILER WARNING: If you want to go into Roland Emmerich’s INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE blind, you may want to skip this latest bit of 20th Century Fox marketing because it essentially plays like a cliff notes version of the movie offering up crucial plot point after crucial plot point. I mean, crucial plot point by INDEPENDENCE DAY standards.
If that opening paragraph sounded a little snarky, that’s because it is a little snarky. On the one hand, I’m certainly not an INDEPENDENCE DAY hater. On the other hand, I don’t entirely understand the enormous popularity that surrounded the first picture, either. The movie was fun, I suppose, and it offered up a plethora of solid old school visual effects to be sure, but the idea that INDEPENDENCE DAY emerged as the highest grossing movie of 1996 boggles my mind.
There have been whispers about a sequel for years and it was getting to a point when it appeared that those whispers might stay whispers. Cut to 20 years later, and here we are. Truth be told, two decades is a long wait between INDEPENDENCE DAY movies. After all this time, are folks still excited about the idea of a follow-up? A Will Smith-less follow-up, I might add? I mean INDEPENDENCE DAY certainly doesn’t have the same cachet as something like STAR WARS. In the end, this film will probably make money but not nearly as much as it would have made had it come out a few years after the original. I know, I know. It isn’t always about the money, but certainly, cash is a big part of any sequel equation.
This isn’t to say RESURGENCE looks like a total bust. There’s plenty of end-of-the-world mayhem on display and when is it not an absolute pleasure to see Jeff Goldblum quipping away? It’s also nice to see a female president (played by the great Sela Ward), new-to-the-series Maika Monroe (IT FOLLOWS, THE GUEST, and the soon-to-be-released THE SCENT OF RAIN AND LIGHTENING), the always entertaining William Fichtner, and the return of Bill Pullman.
I’ll certainly go to see INDPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE in a theater. I just wish I was a little more excited about it.
“We always knew they were coming back. After INDEPENDENCE DAY redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens’ advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction.”
INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE blows up in theaters on June 24th, 2016!