Released by Lionsgate/Summit
Review by Adam Mast
Who let the dogs out? John Wick (Keanu Reeves) and Sofia (Halle Berry), that’s who! That said, is the third time the charm where JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3-PARABELLUM is concerned? Well, not exactly but it’s still a pretty fun time at the movies. Particularly if you’re a fan of gun-fu, samurai swords, motorcycle chases, horseback riding, ass-kicking canines, and a movie star in his 50s whose fully capable of taking just about anyone out in a fight…Even a pro basketball player twice his size!
As PARABELLUM opens, it’s hunting season on Wick after a killing on sacred ground in the second picture finds the professional killer on the run. Eventually, Wick strikes up a deal that ultimately sends him to Casablanca where he meets up with Sofia, a tough as nails woman from his past. After a bit of bloodshed on foreign soil, Wick eventually realizes he’ll have to make his way back to the U.S. to the infamous professional killer resort, the Continental, so that he might set things straight.

As directed by stunt coordinator and JOHN WICK franchise helmer, Chad Stahelski, PARABELLUM features an onslaught of dazzling action sequences and while there are certainly plenty of set pieces to marvel at in this often exhausting thrill ride, it should be noted that PARABELLUM is overly long. It also lacks the emotional drive of the first picture and the more concise nature of the second chapter.

That said, PARABELLUM does build on the humor and camp factor firmly established by the second film and quite honestly, given all the violence, that’s a good thing because said humor and camp factor sort of cushions all the relentless blows. For all the extreme bloodshed on display, there’s nothing quite as amusing as our unstoppable hero taking on a pair of eager fanboy assassins–played by a pair of very enthusiastic (and limber) performers whom you may recognize from THE RAID pictures. These men, as is the case with this film’s big bad (wonderfully played by a fittingly offbeat Mark Dacascos), are simply ecstatic to be engaging in an all-out brawl with the mythical legend that is John Wick. It’s this much-welcome light-hearted tone and THEY LIVE-inspired bravado at the heart of these ridiculous fights that aid in making PARABELLUM so worth watching.

Reeves is just a joy in this picture engaging in the kinds of MATRIX and SPEED-caliber action theatrics fans will be expecting. Reeves’ off-screen niceness certainly makes this character even more appealing, but it’s clear upon watching this BILL AND TED star whoop ass in PARABELLUM that he worked really hard for his paycheck.
As great as Reeves is as Wick, Berry emerges as the big surprise here as fierce Sofia. Truthfully, Berry doesn’t log in a whole lot of screen time in PARABELLUM but she certainly makes the most of the minutes she has to work with. Of course, it helps that she has those scene stealing dogs by her side, but make no mistakes…Berry holds her own in this ultra violent roller coaster of a movie. It should also be noted, that the seeds are planted for a possible Sofia return and given her charisma in this picture, that’s a big time plus!

Elsewhere, PARABELLUM is populated by returning “John Wick” staples like
Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane, and Lance Reddick and while all three of these actors bring their own campy spirit to the proceedings, it’s a shame the same couldn’t be said for Asia Kate Dillon and veteran actress, Anjelica Huston. As a mysterious puppet master known as the Adjudicator, Dillon is oddly flat while the legendary Houston overplays her role as the Director. Never thought I’d use the word “overplay” in a JOHN WICK movie.

PARABELLUM isn’t quite as consistent as the first two pictures and it isn’t in the same league as THE RAID movies. It’s a little all over the place and some of the hyper-stylized fight sequences do tend to get a little repetitious. Having said that, Reeves, Berry, and Dacascos are a ton of fun here, and PARABELLUM certainly doesn’t skimp on the breathless action. Plus, you gotta love those dogs! Furthermore, you gotta love this movie’s sense of humor. I mean seriously…When’s the last time you saw a flick that features death by way of a library book?
See you in 2021, John Wick!