Article By Adam Mast
Sources: (Youtube & Focus Features)
Anyone who thinks J.A. Bayona (THE IMPOSSIBLE) doesn’t have what it takes to direct the upcoming JURASSIC WORLD follow-up may be singing a different tune after watching this fantastic new trailer for A MONSTER CALLS. Coming hot on the heals of Steven Spielberg’s big screen adaptation of THE BFG, this films looks considerably darker but it also appears to have a quite a bit of heart. Oh, and Liam Neeson is the voice of the monster! Yes, please.
“A visually spectacular drama from acclaimed director Juan Antonio Bayona (“The Impossible”), based on the award-winning children’s fantasy novel. 12-year-old Conor (Lewis MacDougall) attempts to deal with his mother’s (Felicity Jones) illness and the bullying of his classmates by escaping into a fantastical world of monsters and fairy tales that explore courage, loss, and faith.”
A MONSTER CALLS opens in theaters October 21st, 2016!