In what should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, attendee badges for San Diego Comic-Con 2019 sold out in record-breaking time. Even though this iconic Con doesn’t take place until July 2019, the powers that be always tend to get the ball rolling early.
We’ve been covering Comic-Con since 2001, and while we’ve seen many a change through the years, one thing that hasn’t changed is the undeniable awesomeness that is fandom in general. Even though San Diego Comic-Con tends to be a testing of one’s endurance, the fans always make the 5-day Con more than worth it! In fact, waiting hours upon hours in line for your desired Comic-Con panel with like-minded individuals is often every bit as satisfying as the epic panels themselves.
Of course, it helps that Comic-Con generally delivers the goods, and while the actual program is months away from being revealed (most likely early July), we have very little doubt that it will be another epic (and unforgettable) affair. Especially when taking into consideration that 2019 and 2020 will see a new STAR WARS movie, multiple titles from Marvel Studios, a new film from Quentin Tarantino, and gobs of product from Netflix (“Stranger Things,” “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance,” and “The Irishman” just to name a precious few.) This is to say nothing of all the comics, television, and arts in general that are sure to be very well represented!
So, to those of you who registered and were lucky enough to acquire a golden ticket to fan Christmas, we can’t wait to join you in San Diego for the 2019 Con! For those of you who were unsuccessful in getting your hands on a badge, fear not. Keep

And for those of you are simply unable to attend for any reason, feel free to live vicariously through our extensive coverage from July 17 to July 21.
For all details regarding San Diego Comic-Con, CLICK HERE!
As we patiently wait for 2019 Con info in the coming weeks, take a little stroll down Con memory lane courtesy of Cinemast.net team members Adam Mast, John Pugh, Christian Navarrete, Shaun Labrecque, and Dan Bringhurst: