Article/Interview by Christian Navarrete
Three years ago I took my first trip to San Diego with Adam Mast and John Pugh and it changed the way I look at the movers and shakers behind the scenes of the comic book and film community. It also introduced me to Seb M-Finck, an up and coming young comedian from Mexico. We met while standing in line waiting to win tickets to an outdoor STAR TREK: BEYOND Imax film premiere. We didn’t end up winning those tickets but we got into the screening regardless. More importantly, though, we met Seb M-Finck.

This new-to-the-scene, hard-working comic was kind enough to strike up a conversation with us while we were waiting under the scorching hot midday sun. Adam and I knew almost instantly that this guy was gifted. He shared a new joke with us revolving around a love letter from a scorned lover to his mistress, but when we discovered the hilariously creative twist that the grand love affair in question was actually between Godzilla and the city of Tokyo, we instantly knew that this is a guy who has the potential to give M. Night Shyamalan a run for his money.
While preparing for my fourth venture into the comic kingdom of San Diego, I learned from some Facebook stalking that Seb would be mediating a couple of panels at the Con this year so I reached out to him to see if I could catch him in the act. Imagine being a young new comedian from Mexico and having nothing but love for the medium of comic books and suddenly you’re being asked to not only be a part of the magic that is SDCC , but you also get the opportunity to moderate a panel and ask some of the art creators whom you look up to all those burning questions you’ve been dying to get the answers to.
I reached out to Seb almost immediately, and while he and I were both too busy to meet up at during a very insane Con, he did the next best thing and agreed to an online interview. Very cool have an opportunity casually chatting with an up and comer. Hopefully next year I’ll get to talk with Seb face to face again, but for now, I present to you a little insight into a young entertainer that I am sure we will be seeing much more of in the years to come.
Christian Navarrete: Seb! Thanks for taking the time to talk with us. So let’s start with an easy one. Where are you from?
Seb M-Finck: I’m from Mexico. I was raised in a small city named Querétaro.
CN: How long have you been a comedian?
SMF: I’ve been doing stand up comedy since April of 2016, so it’s been 2 years and 3 months now, but before that, I used to do comedy theater.
CN: When did you start coming to Comic-Con?
SMF: In 2014.
CN: You like to cosplay, can you tell me all the characters you have cosplayed as?
SMF: The cosplay I’m most known for is Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor from Batman v Superman, but I’ve also cosplayed Mad Eye Moody, the Joker, Gambit, Winter Soldier, Sirius Black, V, Lucius Malfoy, Dr. Curtis Connors, Bilbo Baggins, and Wolverine. In the future, I want to cosplay as Ant-Man and Anarky.
CN: What is your favorite cosplay?
SMF: That I’ve done? Probably Mad Eye Moody. I really like that one. As far as other people… That’s tough. I don’t think I can answer that. I’ve seen many really talented cosplayers and it’s very hard to choose one.
CN: What is your favorite comic book character?
SMF: Hank Pym (Ant-Man) and The Joker, for sure.
CN: What panel(s) did you moderate at comic con this year?
SMF: I moderated two panels: “Independent Filmmaking Across the Borders” and “History of the Mexican Comic Book”.
CN: What did you do to prepare yourself for these panels?
SMF: Well, I had to do some good research: Watch a movie made by one of the directors in the first panel. Then for the second panel, I dug into the history of Mexican comic books and even went back and read some of my old Mexican comic books. I talked to my parents about which comic books they read when they were young and how society looked at those comics during their youth.
CN: How was the experience?
SMF: It was so much fun. I had a great time and I met amazing new people. One of the most rewarding things about it is that that the attendees were very satisfied with what they heard, and many of them laughed a lot.
CN: Was there anything you would have done differently or were there any questions that you didn’t get to ask?
SMF: I really don’t like to think about that. I’ll just remember how much fun. It went great!
CN: How did this amazing opportunity happen?
SMF: The woman who was in charge of panel programming contacted me and gave me the opportunity. I’m really thankful to her and grateful for her trust in me.
CN: What was your favorite event, or experience, or memory from Comic-Con this year?
SMF: I think it was a tie between Warner Bros. and Kevin Smith. Both panels were held in Hall H. I’ve never been to Hall H before and it was an amazing experience. WB’s panel was amazing and full of surprises. Kevin Smith made me laugh and think a lot. I left that panel feeling very inspired. I’ve been a fan of his for a long time now and it was the first time I got to see him live.
CN: I’m a big fan as well. Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for us, Seb. I greatly look forward to seeing one of your stand up performances in the near future. Take care.
Watch for more of our SDCC2018 coverage here at Cinemast.net.