Review by John Pugh
LIGHT FROM LIGHT is a quiet, poignant, meditative film that’s sure to linger with you for days. It’s not scary but haunting and feels authentic. One can sense Writer/Director Paul Harrill‘s passion for his story making this film an intimate gem of a film at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, and one not to be missed.
In LIGHT FROM LIGHT, single mother, Sheila (Marin Ireland)–who works part-time as a paranormal investigator–is asked to investigate some strange occurrences that recent widower, Richard (Jim Gaffigan), has been experiencing at his home.
Ireland’s performance as Sheila is quiet and dignified. She’s strong but vulnerable and uncertain of what the future might hold. Her own past continues to haunt her as she perseveres through each new day. Her rapport with Richard, played by comedian Gaffigan–who was in three films at Sundance this year; LIGHT FROM LIGHT, TROOP ZERO, and THEM THAT FOLLOW— is spot on. The bond is subtle and sweet as these two adults dealing with past grief and confusion come together. They are both in need of a little extra light in their lives and they provide much needed comfort to one another.
Gaffigan, in a rare dramatic performance, handles the serious subject matter incredibly well. Not much of a comedic vibe from him here but it’s to the benefit of the tone of the film. Rounding out a terrific cast are Josh Wiggins as Sheila’s son, Owen, and Atheena Frizzell as Lucy, the object of his young affection. Both prove to be terrific up and coming talents.
LIGHT FROM LIGHT is small in scope and big in heart, bringing to the surface relatable topics worthy of discussion and pondering. Topics such as Life after death, relationships, spiritual matters, and the supernatural. This film doesn’t set out to answer all of these questions, but, merely to contemplate their existence. To that end, LIGHT FROM LIGHT is an endearing success.