Article by Adam Mast
J.J. Abrams told fans that the theatrically released FORCE AWAKENS trailer that hit on October 19th would be the last trailer we’d see before the film’s release in December. That sly little devil didn’t say anything about t.v. spots though. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen a plethora of rousing STAR WARS television commercials.
And wouldn’t you know it? We were graced with yet another one on this glorious Thanksgiving Day. It’s 60 seconds long and while this clip is mostly comprised of footage that we’ve already seen, there are a few new moments to drool over.
Just over three weeks and counting!
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS blasts into theaters and Imax on December 18th!
Adam MastAdam Mast has been a lifelong film enthusiast dating back to age 6 when his parents took him to see a little movie called JAWS at a drive-in theater in Northern California. This would lead him to several writing stints for various publications and outlets. Mast would also have a hand in several film projects of various shapes and sizes. In 2014, Mast would join forces with colleague John Pugh to create Cinemast.net as a means discuss film from a fan and analytical perspective. Together, Mast and Pugh would also create the 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, Film and Media Alliance of Southern Utah (FMASU) in 2017. FMASU’s mission is to encourage, inspire and educate filmmaking talent and to preserve film history. Adam currently resides in southern Utah with his amazing wife, Tonja, and their four wonderful children.