ReviewsJOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2 Movie ReviewJOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2 (R) Released by Lionsgate Review by Adam Mast As expected, this sequel is bigger, louder, and…
ReviewsGET OUT Movie ReviewGET OUT (R) Released by Universal Pictures/Blumhouse Review by Adam Mast Guess who’s coming to dinner? Well, in the new…
ReviewsSPLIT Movie ReviewSPLIT (PG-13) Released by Universal Pictures Review by Adam Mast *My Sundance Film Festival adventure put me behind, therefore, I’m…
CinebitsReviewsADAM’S FAVORITE FILM EXPERIENCES OF 2016!MY FAVORITE FILM EXPERIENCES OF 2016! Article by Adam Mast Another year is in the books, and you know what…
ReviewsREMEMORY Movie ReviewREMEMORY (PG-13) Released By Lionsgate Review By John Pugh Great films, leave us with memorable impressions. Unfortunately, for Mark Palansky‘s new sci-fi…
CinebitsEvent CoverageSUNDANCE 2017 PREVIEW: ADAM’S PICKS!CINEMAST’S 10 MOST ANTICIPATED FILMS AT SUNDANCE 2017 Article by Adam Mast The Sundance Film Festival is right around the corner and…
ReviewsNOCTURNAL ANIMALS Movie ReviewNOCTURNAL ANIMALS (R) Released By Focus Features Review By Dan Bringhurst NOCTURNAL ANIMALS, written and directed by Tom Ford (A SINGLE…
ReviewsROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Movie ReviewROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (PG-13) Released by Walt Disney Pictures\Lucasfilm Reviewed by Adam Mast “A long time ago…
ReviewsFENCES Movie ReviewFENCES (PG-13) Released by Paramount Pictures Reviewed by Adam Mast There’s something to be said for powerful performances and FENCES…