Article By Briana Pugh
“Hay There” Gilmore Girls fans! I’m so excited, that I had to pause everything in my day just to watch the new GILMORE GIRLS trailer. (Less pause and more like allow chaos to ensue while I watched because it was just that important.) We all knew that the new Netflix season of GILMORE GIRLS: A YEAR IN THE LIFE was coming out the end of this year but we didn’t know exactly when…until NOW! Get your Luke’s Diner loving, binge eating, coffee drinking hearts ready Gilmore fans because come November, we are now able to watch our favorite Stars Hollow characters again, in one of the most clever shows ever produced on television.
Returning with all the favorites, Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel, Keiko Agena, Kelly Bishop, Scott Patterson, Matt Czuchry, Yanic Truesdale, Milo Ventimiglia, Melissa McCarthy, Jared Padalecki, and of course Sean Gunn because what kind of place would Stars Hollow be without wonderful, uncomfortable Kirk? Those are just a few of the awesome characters we are hoping to see in this Netflix return of the beloved GILMORE GIRLS. Babette, Miss Patty, Paris, Mrs Kim….I’m literally giddy just thinking of all the fun we’re going to have! Although, we will all sorely miss the delightful character appearances from Edward Herrmann, Rory’s beloved Grandpa. Sad face. The beginning of the trailer gave me chills, the end was a little lackluster, but I’m chalking it up to first-time-being-back jitters. So if you’re a Dean fan, Jess fan, or a Logan fan, it doesn’t matter, Gilmore Girls is back and we’re ecstatic, over the moon, thrilled, giddy, pleased…how many of these can we come up with? Needless to say, Gilmore Girls’ fans are a little more than excited.
The Gilmore Girls are back to binge watch on Netflix November 25th, 2016!