Article By John Pugh
Interestingly enough, David Ayer‘s SUICIDE SQUAD is looking far superior in every way to Zack Snyder‘s BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. I believe I first heard about Sony’s THE SINISTER SIX Project (If that is still a thing) before Warner Bros SUICIDE SQUAD. For someone not familiar with the comics, I thought both sounded interesting. I liked the thought of seeing the world through the eyes of the villains.
It’s looking like these villains will give us an entirely new perspective, going into battle against forces worse than themselves, and even getting into the occasional brawl with the Bat himself. Ayer calls them the “WORST. HEROES. EVER.” (Until now, it was looking line the MYSTERY MEN held that title). I like that we see humanity in some of these misfits and all the scary, crazy attributes in the others. While Jared Leto’s Joker appears to be the main draw, this outstanding trailer (bonus points for most creative use of a Queen tune) suggests Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn is certainly going to give him a run for his money. This is looking to be one of my most anticipated films of 2016!
Warner Bros introduces us to the SUICIDE SQUAD on August 5th, 2016!
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